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Welcome to our Family
Always focussing on the wants and needs of our customers

Autism is a neuro-diverse condition which affects around 1% of the UK population. While this may sound low, it means that approximately 32,000 people in Wales alone are living with Autism. 

The founders of this company have a wide range of expertise in this field due to having years of experience working in care and development. One founder is actually diagnosed with Autism and so has additional knowledge in this area and thus has made the company how he himself would've liked to be supported. We encourage you to go to our 'About Us' section and read more about Luke's Story.

Autism can affect people and their families in various ways. Consequently, we have created a system where each customer will receive a service custom to their needs and aspirations. We understand some customers may need little support and some will require a lot but, this will not be reflected into the effort and standard we expect from ourselves and our staff who will remain enthusiastic and helpful throughout. 

More information can be found across the other pages on our website for customers and people who may want to work for Pontydd Bespoke Autism Services.

Core Values

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Respect - We will listen, be polite, courteous and considerate to all people we support, our colleagues and all others taking into account personal preferences, feelings and experiences.
Diversity - We recognise the diverse make-up of the communities we live and work in and embrace peoples gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, and sexual orientation.
Equality – We will give all people the chance to be who they are, reach their personal goals and to make the most of their individual ability.
Inclusive – We will create an environment for everyone where they can be themselves and contribute to society in a way that is valued and appreciated.
Integrity – Our integrity is important to us, we will act in an honest, honourable, truthful and considerate way at all times.

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